Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Make it Simple

A group of us got together this weekend for dessert and a little Francis Chan's "Crazy Love" conversation. As part of a Sunday morning class that is going through the book we find that a 50-minute discussion time doesn't allow for the depth of potential life-transformation that seems to be on every page. Chan challenges ones view of what surrender to God means.

Good conversation includes good coffee or tea - acai berry in this case - which I hear is something of a health thing in the detox world. (Check with Oprah if you want more info.) I had to give it a try, after all I'm also reading another book called "Detox" by David Putman. The author encourages readers to detox our religious lives and seek a real relationship with Jesus. A repeated phrase in the book is "following Jesus is about living like Jesus, loving like Jesus, and leaving what Jesus left behind (which is more people who live like him and love like him.)" I'm challenged to think of what is basic and essential, rather than what keeps me busy.

So I wasn't surprised when I looked at the book titles advertised in Thee Bookstore's spring catalog and "Primal, A Quest of the Lost Soul of Christianity" by Mark Batterson caught my attention. This book asks the question, "What would your Christianity look like if it was stripped down to the purest faith possible?" From what I've skimmed through it falls in line with the other two books.

It's kind of a spring cleaning idea - cut out the clutter of religious activity and allow a relationship with Jesus to determine our purpose. Surrender our agenda for God's agenda. Not new concepts for Christ-followers, but sometimes needed correction for Christ-believers.

I've talked with customers of all ages and stages that are engaging with these books. The chapters can push you individually, but sometimes simplifying life is easier when you have others helping you see what is excess. Ask a friend and clean out some clutter.

Our Spring Catalog's 20% coupon for one non-sale item even makes it more affordable.

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